International Occupational and Environmental Diseases Congress March 27-29, 2017 Antalya

International Occupational and Environmental Diseases Congress

March 27-29, 2017 Antalya

Environmental Influences and Autism


President of Autism Medical Institute

Autism is a disease which affects the neurologic and immun systems through a variety of infections, toxic chemicals, hipoxia and increased permeability of proteins and peptides in food from the digestive system, causing pervasive developmental  disorder.

Heavy metals and other environmental toxic substances, antibiotics, infections, hipoxia before, during or after birth, hypoperfusion areas in brain are amongst the primary causes of  autism. The rise in the response of the immune system or inflammation, deceleration of enzymatic reactions, allergic reactions, hormonal insufficiency, dysfunction of neurotransmitters and environmental poisonous substances change responses in brain and other organs, resulting in pervasive development disorder.

We performed heavy metal tests on thousands of patients between 2005-2015 determining that one or more heavy metals was present in increased amounts in almost all of the patients. Especially packaged products, mainly fish, some vaccinations, cosmetics, laundry softeners, toys, school equipment and other sources include heavy metals.

We are regularly exposed to toxic substances, but if our metabolisms are healthy we can more or less completely eliminate them. Children with autism cannot remove these poisonous substances from their bodies due to genetic disorders.

Thus, these substances accumulate in the brain and cause damage in different ways. The incidence of autism has risen greatly as a result of environmental pollution, which has increased tremendously in the last fifty years. According to CDC data in the US, in the 1980s one in 10,000 children suffered from autism but had increased to one in 68 children in 2015.

Recent research has succeeded in uncovering the mystery of autism. Several studies have shown that hypoperfusion in brain, neuro-inflammation, insufficient immune system function, oxidative stress, dysfunction in cell energy production, neurotransmitter malfunction, inability to remove toxins and intestinal flora disorders are observed within children with autism.

Unfortunately, in the present day many children ingest high amounts of sugar, refined starch, fizzy drinks, artificial oils, food colorings, additives and chemical preservatives. It means a diet with very high energy and a deficiency of basic nutritious food. This junk food directly or indirectly causes changes in the learning ability, moods and behaviors of children. Research shows that food with preservatives can cause aggression, hyperactivity and behavioral problems in children.

Scientific publications have established a link between the dyes E-102, E-104, E-110, E-122, E-124 and E-129, which are used as food coloring and autism, lack of attention and hyperactivity.